New Template Editor For HTML Based Documentation In HelpNDoc 4.7

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We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.7 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4.7 includes a greatly enhanced template editor which can now be used to easily and rapidly create and customize templates for every documentation formats handled by HelpNDoc. Read on to learn more or download your free version now. Read more…

Major Performance Improvements And Bug Fixes In HelpNDoc 4.6

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We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.6 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.6 introduces major overall performance improvements, an handy breadcrumb navigator, better CHM import, and much much more. Read on to learn more or download your free version now. Read more…

EPub Importer, Multiple Enhancements And Fixes In HelpNDoc 4.5

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We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.5 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.5 is now able to import ePub files, can optionally disable PDF bookmarks, and fixes various problems including content saving for East-European and Asian systems. Read on to learn more or download your free version now. Read more…

Advanced Keyword Management And Custom Template Path In HelpNDoc 4.4

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We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.4 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.4 simplifies the association of keywords with multiple topics, allows the analysis of keywords in the project analyzer, provides configuration options for various paths such as the templates path, generates better Word DocX and Adobe PDF documentation files and includes many enhancements and bug fixes. Read on to learn more or download your free version now.

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Image Maps In Your Documentation And Better EBooks Generation With HelpNDoc 4.3

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We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.3 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.3 now includes the much requested image map library item which makes it possible to create and include interactive images in your help files and eBooks. It also includes enhanced image customization capabilities, optional inline cover and table of contents pages for ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as many enhancements.

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Folders In The Library, Multi-Selection, Saved Expansion Status And More In HelpNDoc 4.2

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We are thrilled to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.2 which is available as a free download starting now. HelpNDoc 4.2 adds folders to categorize library items, multi-selection to the library and keywords and is able to store the expansion state of all trees in the project amongst many other additions and bug fixes. Read on to learn more and download your free version now. Read more…

Conditional Topic Generation And Many Enhancements Available In HelpNDoc 4.1

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We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.1 which can be downloaded and used freely for personal and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4.1 can now conditionally generate topics based on build tags, provides easier library item modification from the topic editor, better live-spell support as well as many other enhancements and bug fixes. Read on to learn more about this update and download the free version of HelpNDoc 4.

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HelpNDoc 4 Is Available: Covers, Headers And Footers, Scripts And More

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This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.0 which can be downloaded and used freely for personal and evaluation purposes. HelpNDoc 4 introduces a full-featured template editor for Word and PDF documentation formats, including cover page, headers and footers editors. It can now generate DocX Word files, and includes a rewritten style system, an advanced script editor, rich text snippets library items and much more.

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Import Folders And Improved Documentation Authoring Productivity With HelpNDoc 3.9

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We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 3.9 which features an enhanced importer and includes many great productivity enhancements as well as bug fixes. The new importer can import whole folders and sub-folders including multiple file formats, thus reducing the time required to create a new project out of existing documents. To speed up documentation authoring, this new update provides additional keyboard shortcuts, fast incremental search in all trees, enhanced user interface and resource usage.

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Analyze And Optimize Documentations, Help And Manuals With HelpNDoc 3.8

Categories: news

This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 3.8! This new update introduces a very powerful tool called the project analyzer and we believe you will be amazed by how easily it will help you pin-point potential issues with your existing and upcoming documentation projects and how powerful the optimization capabilities are: project statistics, topic hierarchy chart, project-wide hyperlink analyzes, library item duplicate finding and merging… you will instantly fell in love with HelpNDoc’s new project analyzer.

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