HelpNDoc 2.1 is ready to download, featuring the much requested search functionality in the HTML generated documentation as well as various robustness improvements. As always, HelpNDoc is available for free for personal use without any limitation and is very low priced for commercial use. Read more…
HelpNDoc is ready to download, featuring PDF table of content generation, HTML keywords generation and various bug fixes including the generated PDF file which wasn’t always created in the specified path. As a reminder, there’s only 23 days left to benefit for the special introductory discount for both the Standard and Professional Edition, which will expire the 30th of June. Read more…
We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 2.0 which includes lots of additions and enhancements, along with a brand new HelpNDoc web site. Let’s start with HelpNDoc 2 which features two brand new exporters: Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents can now be generated from HelpNDoc. We also added a find and replace by variable functionality and added a variable panel to simplify their use throughout HelpNDoc. We took a lot of time enhancing little details and much requested features, have a look at the detailed change log bellow.
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We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 1.16. Including a much requested enhancement in the CHM export with the possibility to define the windows size, position, visible buttons and navigation options. An annoying bug with the default font saving as also been fixed and the Windows Vista compatibility has been enhanced. Last but not least, a “silent” option has been added to the command line to avoid user inputs during batch compilation.
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HelpNDoc 1.15 is now available for download. This new version is a bug fixes release and includes corrections of bugs introduced in version 1.14. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.
HelpNDoc 1.14 is now available for download. This new version includes a much requested enhancements to configure file output name in HTML help. It also features smart popups for variables in the topic editor as well as bug fixes for PNG images and topic icons. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.
HelpNDoc 1.13 is available for download. This new version includes a completely new spell checker with easier and more reliable dictionary handling. The English dictionary is now bundled with the installation. It also includes better HTML export and various enhancements and bug fixes. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.
HelpNDoc 1.12 is available for download. This version includes and enhanced HTML exporter which will automatically show the table of content when a topic is launched. A Fortran 90/95 code generator has been added as well as many small enhancements and bug fixes. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.
HelpNDoc 1.11 is available for download. This version fixes a bug while exporting the background of the topics, adds superscript and subscript support and provides enhanced speed, reliability and bug fixes. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.
HelpNDoc 1.10 is available for download. This version includes Microsoft Windows Vista support, bug fixes and enhancements in the topic editor as well as HTML importing and exporting. You can download HelpNDoc free for personal use from the HelpNDoc page.